People of Color Environmental Professionals: Profiles of Courage and Leadership

People of Color Environmental Professionals:
Profiles of Courage and Leadership

A database created by JEDSI
At the school of the environment

Displaying 1 - 366 of 366
Displaying 169 - 192 of 366
Chief Executive Officer
Sustainability Solutions Group and Institute
Business Agent
Writers Guild of America East
Harris, Melanie
Professor of Black Feminist Thought and Womanist TheologiesDirector of Food, Health, and Ecological Well-Being Program
Wake Forest University
Hayling, Crystal
Executive Director
The Libra Foundation
Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
American Forest Foundation
Henderson, Effenus
Co-Director; President
Institute for Sustainable Diversity and Inclusion; HenderWorks, Inc.
Hernandez, Eva
Managing Director
Sierra Club
Environmental Economist
The World Bank
Herrera, Jose
Provost, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
University of Northern Iowa
Assistant of Enrollment Management and Financial Aid
Yale School of the Environment
Professor of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences
Tuskegee University
Adjunct Faculty
Vermont Law and Graduate School
Hill-Kelley, Jennifer
Consultant; Coach
Jennifer Hill-Kelly; Achieving the Dream
Ward 8 Health Council
Human Resources Director
United for Reproductive and Gender Equity
Hipolito, Alan
Executive Director
National Program Manager for Cooperative Forestry
United States Forest Service
Horne, Savonala
Executive Director
Land Loss Prevention Project
Huang, Albert
School of LawDirector of Environmental JusticeInstitute for Policy Integrity
New York University
Program Manager
Climate Stories Project
Ibáñez, Inés
Professor, Ecosystem Science & Management
University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability
Ibarra, Anaí
Los Angeles Mayor Deputy Communications Spanish Language
Office of Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass
Vice President & Chief Curator 
New-York Historical Society
Director, California Current Group
Point Blue Conservation Science

About the People of Color Environmental Professionals Database

Yale School of the Environment’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Sustainability Initiative (JEDSI) is honored to share the updated People of Color Environmental Professionals database. The database features profiles of courage and leadership from individuals in the United States who contribute to the environment, health, climate justice, and related fields. These profiles were written with source materials from interviews and surveys conducted by Dr. Dorceta Taylor’s staff, personal and academic websites, and other publicly available online information. This is the third iteration of the project.  

The first compilation was published by the Minority Environmental Leadership Development Initiative (MELDI) in 2005, and the second by Vision for a Sustainable Environmental Future (VSEF) at the University of Michigan in 2016. 

Additional research, writing, compilation, and amendments by: Dr. Dorceta E. Taylor, Meg Daupan, Katherine Allison, Claire Nichols, Lily Fillwalk, PwintPhyu Nandar, Te’Yah Wright, Dr. Haille Rae, Dr. Carla Dhillon, and Tabitha Sookdeo. 

Special thanks to Teona Williams, Maren Spolum, and Latonia Phillips for their work writing and building the previous versions of this project. 

Email with questions and comments.