Kelly Hydrick

Kelly Hydrick

Program Manager
Climate Stories Project

Kelly Hydrick is a research and archive librarian with experience in medieval and early modern history. Hydrick is passionate about climate change and climate change communications. She is the Program Manager at Climate Stories Project. She is a research assistant at the MIT Department of Distinctive Collection and a library supervisor at the Worcester Art Museum.

Early Life and Education: 

Hydrick obtained her Bachelor of Arts in History at the Millersville University of Pennsylvania in 2007. Hydrick then completed her Master of Arts in Comparative History from Central European University. In 2023, Hydrick completed a Master of Library & Information Science at Simmons University.


Hydrick began her research career at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2022 as a Humanities Research Associate. There, she worked on the Omeka-S pilot project. Hydrick also worked and reported on the Digital Humanities program across the institution. She compiled data from MIT libraries on the current Afrofuturism and Black comics graphic novel collections.

Hydrick currently continues to work for the MIT libraries, where she is now a research assistant. She continues her work on the Omeka-S pilot project, archival research, information literacy, and digital humanities.

In 2020, Hydrick participated in the first cohort of Climate Stories Ambassadors with the Climate Stories Project. She is now the Program Manager at the Climate Stories Project teaching workshops and promoting climate change communication. In 2024, Hydrick began working as a Library Supervisor at the Worcester Art Museum.


Kelly Hydrick. (2023).

Survey and interviews conducted by Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Sustainability Initiative staff. 2022-2023. Yale University-School of the Environment. New Haven, Connecticut.

Photo Credit: 

LinkedIn, 2023 

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