Donna Chavis

Donna Chavis

Climate & Energy Justice Program Manager
Friends of the Earth

Donna Chavis, a member of the Lumbee tribe of North Carolina, is one of the first environmental justice leaders. She has over 40 years of experience and service in nonprofits and philanthropy. Her career has focused on advocacy and environmental justice in local, state, and national levels. Chavis was on the planning committee for the First National People of Color Leadership Summit in 1991. She is a long-time environmental activist who has founded several organizations, including the RedTailed Hawk Collective and the Center for Community Action.

Early Life and Education: 

Donna Chavis was born in Lumbee, North Carolina. She is a member of the Lumbee tribe and grew up in Pembroke, North Carolina. Chavis earned a bachelor of arts in mathematics and psychology from the University of North Carolina.


In 1980, Davis co-founded the Robeson County Center for Community Action, an organization based in Lumberton, North Carolina, and works on sustainable economic development, environmental education, and community engagement in southeast North Carolina. She contributed to several North Carolina nuclear and toxic waste environmental justice campaigns. Chavis was a Commissioner of the Racial Justice Commission of the United Church of Christ. In 1991, Chavis was a First National People of Color Leadership Summit planning committee member.

Chavis served as the Center for Community Action’s Chief Operating Officer until 2006 when she became the Executive Director of NCGives, an initiative for inclusive philanthropy that celebrates communities and young people, especially those of color and who are underrepresented. Chavis is also the founder of the RedTailed Hawk Collective. Chavis joined Friends of the Earth as a senior fossil fuel activist, where she led the campaign against the Atlantic Coast Pipeline during the Trump Administration. She is now the Climate & Energy Justice Program Manager for Friends of the Earth US.

Chavis has also contributed to several boards of directors, including the Fund for Southern Communities, the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, the Humane Society of Robeson County, the NC Center for Nonprofits, the Changemakers Fund, and Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina. Chavis is on the leadership team of NC Climate Justice Collective, overseeing programs and organizational development.


Donna Chavis. LinkedIn. n.d. Retrieved October 2023 from

Gilpin, L. A Pipeline Runs Through It [Photo]. Grist. Retrieved October 2023 from

Chavis, Donna. Nd. Friends of the Earth.

Leadership Team. N.d. NC Climate Justice Collective.

Last Updated: 