Quintaniay ‘Quin’ Holifield

Quintaniay Holifield

National Program Manager for Cooperative Forestry
United States Forest Service
Born 1967-Present

Dr. Quintaniay 'Quin' Holifield is a soil scientist, environmental educator, and forester currently serving as the National Program Manager for Cooperative Forestry at the United States Forest Service. She has been in federal service with the USDA and USFS for over three decades in various leadership positions. Dr. Holifield has received numerous accolades for her contributions and dedication, including the 2020 Forest Service Northern Research Station Superior Service Award and the 2010 Forest Service Northern Research Station Outstanding Location Civil Rights Award. In addition, she is a member of the Ecological Society of America and the Soil Science Society of America, among professional organizations and associations.

Selected Publications: 

Djonko-Moore, C., Leonard, J., Holifield, Q., 2017. Using Culturally Relevant Experiential Education to Enhance Urban Children’s Knowledge and Engagement in Science, Journal of Experimental Education, 41(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/1053825917742164

Holifield, Q., Hom, J. L., & Patterson, M., 2005. Soil Respiration Contribution to Urban Carbon Dynamics at Cub Hill in Response to Global Change, Mid-Atlantic Ecological Society of America Conference.

Holifield, Q., 2003. Forest Floor Exchange Chemistry and Microbial Biomass in Red Spruce Stands Along a Ca/Al Gradient in the Northeastern United States [Dissertation], State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

Wargo, P. M., Vogt, K., Vogt, D., Holifield, Q., Tilley, J., Lawrence, G., & David, M., 2003. Vitality and chemistry of roots of red spruce in forest floors of stands with a gradient of soil Al/Ca ratios in the northeastern United States, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 33. https://www.nrs.fs.usda.gov/pubs/jrnl/2003/ne_2003_wargo_001.pdf

Brown, G. F., Holifield, Q., Ford-Logan, G., & Foster, S., 1991. Clonal Variation in Rooting Ability of Virginia Pine, Tree Improvement and Genetics – Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference. https://rngr.net/publications/tree-improvement-proceedings/southern/1991...

Early Life and Education: 

Dr. Quintaniay ‘Quin’ Holifield was born at a football game. Her father was a civil servant for the US Federal Government, serving in the military, and her mother was an educator. Growing up, her family moved a lot due to her father’s position in the military. Having traveled the world and lived in many different places, Dr. Holifield was exposed to many cultures spoken at home, including French, Spanish, German, and Korean. During the fourth grade, she wrote a book report on Benjamin Banneker, sparking her interest in science. Furthering this interest were George Washington Carver and her grandparents, the latter of which inspired her interest in soils, as her grandfather was a farmer and her grandmother was Cherokee. She attended Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University for her BS in Zoology and Chemistry and MS in Plant and Soil Sciences/Forest Tree Genetics. She holds a PhD from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) and Syracuse University in Forest Resources Management/Forest Soil Chemistry and Microbiology/Environmental Studies.


Dr. Holifield previously interned at the United States Environmental Protection Agency, where she helped create site safety plans and worked on the chemical reference database to aid in superfund and hazardous waste management (1986). From 2006 to 2011, as an Adjunct Professor, she taught the geography of soils and soil properties to upper-level undergraduates at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. During this time, she held a dual appointment at Stevenson University as a Professor of Biology in Human Biology, Contemporary Health, Microbiology, and Physical and Earth Sciences (2007-2011). Dr. Holifield also taught Biology, Environmental Science, and Environmental Law and Regulation as an Adjunct Professor at the Community College of Baltimore County (2010-2014).

Dr. Holifield joined the USDA in 1991 as a soil scientist for the US Forest Service, a role she served until 2022 when she held numerous other positions within the USDA and the Forest Service. As a soil scientist, she conducted research, taught environmental science, and coordinated outreach, earning her numerous awards from the USDA, including the 2020 Forest Service Northern Research Station Superior Service Award, the 2016 Chief's Award for Distinguished Service, and the 2010 Forest Service Northern Research Station Outstanding Location Civil Rights Award, among others. Additionally, in 2020, Dr. Holifield worked as the National Program Manager of the Urban and Community Forestry program, where she worked across regions to help stakeholders make sound decisions related to urban and community lands. Afterward, she became Program Manager for the Forest Service and NASF Urban Committee 2021 State Urban Forest Resilience Grant Program.

Dr. Holifield currently works as the National Program Manager for Cooperative Forestry at the USFS in Washington, D.C., where she serves within the Urban and Community Forestry Program. She oversees policy, partnership development, educational and community engagement, and strategies for equitable urban forestry programs nationwide. Her work involves collaborating with stakeholders at various levels, including community organizations and state and federal actors. As a result of the Inflation Reduction Act, her role and the program have become critical to achieving climate and equity goals. Dr. Holifield is also a member of the American Pathology Society, Alpha Zeta Agricultural Fraternity, the Ecological Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America. Among highlights in her career include her current role with the USFS, receiving a dual PhD from SUNY ESF and Syracuse University in Forest and Resource Management, being the first African American woman to complete the specialized degree program at the university, and engaging in further educational opportunities at MIT, Yale University, and Syracuse University.

Importance of Mentoring: 

Dr. Holifield cites several important mentors and figures in her career, including her parents, undergraduate advisors, and professors, Dr. Alice C. Jenkins, Dr. Dorothea D. Smith, Dr. Mary S. Brown, Dr. Rather G. Brown, and her first Forest Service Supervisor, Dr. Phillip M. Wargo. Additionally, Dr. Holifield has mentored others through her participation in the MARC program, the US EPA, and as a Patricia Harris Roberts Fellow during graduate school at Alabama A&M University.


(JEDSI) Survey and interviews conducted by Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Sustainability Initiative staff. 2022-2024. Yale University-School of the Environment. New Haven, Connecticut. 

Q. Holifield, Ph.D. (n.d.). LinkedIn. Retrieved May 12, 2024 from https://www.linkedin.com/in/q-holifield-ph-d-510a8246/

Quintaniay Holifield. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2024 from https://www.fs.usda.gov/research/about/people/qholifield#products-tab

Last Updated: 