Lee, Pam Tau

Lee, Pam Tau

Pam Tau Lee

Labor Coordinator (Retired)
UC Berkeley Labor Occupational Health Program
Born 1948-Present

Pam Tau Lee is a retired social justice leader. Most recently, Lee was the Labor Coordinator at the University of California-Berkeley Labor Occupational Health Program. She also served on the National Toxic Campaign Fund and National People of Color Environmental Summit boards. Lee is a co-founder of the Asian Pacific Environmental Network, Chinese Progressive Alliance, and the Just Transition Alliance, where she is also a board director. She has more than 40 years in the fight for social justice. Lee continues this work, mentoring and supporting a new generation of young leaders.

“Out of struggle, there will be progress.” - Pam Tau Lee, 2005.

Selected Publications: 

Minkler, M., Lee, P. T., Tom, A., Chang, C., Morales, A., Liu, S. S., … & Krause, N. 2010. Using community‐based participatory research to design and initiate a study on immigrant worker health and safety in San Francisco’s Chinatown restaurants. American journal of industrial medicine, 53(4), 361-371.

Minkler, M., Salvatore, A. L., Chang, C., Gaydos, M., Liu, S. S., Lee, P. T., … & Krause, N. 2014. Wage theft as a neglected public health problem: An overview and case study from San Francisco’s Chinatown district. American journal of public health, 104(6), 1010-1020.

Lee, P. T., & Krause, N. 2002. The impact of a worker health study on working conditions. Journal of public health policy, 23, 268-285.

Chang, C., Salvatore, A. L., Lee, P. T., Liu, S. S., Tom, A. T., Morales, A., … & Minkler, M. 2013. Adapting to context in community-based participatory research: “Participatory starting points” in a Chinese immigrant worker community. American Journal of Community Psychology, 51, 480-491.

Lee, P. T. 1992. Environmental Justice for Asians and Pacific Islanders. Race, Poverty & the Environment, 1-21.

Early Life and Education: 

Pam Tau Lee puts her activism at the forefront of her work. She was born in 1948 and grew up in San Francisco’s Chinatown, immersed in the free speech, anti-war, union, and Black Power movements – all of which influenced her greatly. Her parents, John and Mignon, taught Lee and her younger sister the value of hard work. Her mother worked as a draftswoman during World War II when women were called to help the war effort, and she retired from the California state unemployment office. Her father began work in the 1940s in a storage room of an engineering plant and worked his way up to be an engineer. She lived with her grandmother in a crowded single room. Her grandmother worked at a garment factory and inspired Lee to dedicate her career to improving working and living conditions for low-income and people of color.

Lee attended California State University, Hayward (now California State University, East Bay) and graduated in 1969 with a bachelor’s degree in sociology.


Lee began her career as a student teacher in inner-city Oakland schools with the Teacher Corps – a federally funded program started in the 1960s to increase employment in underserved public school districts. As a teacher, she sponsored the Bay Area Asian Students, a coalition of high school students engaged in social activism. As her awareness of the issues facing low-income communities grew, Lee began work as a community organizer. “There was so much activism then…” she says, “I became involved in the student and community movements” (2005).

In the 1970s, Lee was active in the Asian anti-war movement, and in 1972, helped found the Chinese Progressive Association (CPA). Lee reflects how in the days “before there were [many] non-profit social justice organizations. We were housed in the International Hotel and funded by members in the community, so it was as if I was part of a collective,” she says (2005). While organizing at the International Hotel with the CPA, Lee was involved in the I-Hotel eviction. 

Lee remembers that Chinatown had high rates of tuberculosis because of the poor air quality, long working hours, and lack of open-air spaces. At the time, she did not realize that much of her work would later become identified as environmental justice. The organization Lee worked for helped workers strike for better wages and conditions. When she went to organize them, she realized that “ninety-five percent of the workers were of color – hotel workers – African American, Filipino and Chinese. I decided [then and there] to make the transition to become a union organizer” (2005).

Many of the workers Lee spoke with had experienced the unionization drives of the 1930s, and they advised her, “If you want to be a good organizer, you have to be a worker. So, I became a room cleaner to really understand the work.” While working at a hotel, Lee was elected by her co-workers to a union position, then as a shop steward, and finally asked to join the union staff. I quit the job “after two years of cleaning rooms – and maybe I worked almost every job in the hotel; the last day I left my job in the hotel, I was a bartender.” Lee realized that even as a hotel worker, she had opportunities most of the people she was trying to unionize did not. She said, “I had that mobility [in the hotel] because I was American-born and was able to speak English. That’s not available to most immigrant hotel workers. I know that” (2005).

Lee worked as a union organizer with the Hotel Employees Restaurant Employees (HERE) Union Local 2 for ten years, where she learned about the lives of immigrant and people of color workers, who she says “were being hired into more backbreaking jobs and the jobs that exposed [them] to really unsafe working conditions” than their white counterparts (2005). She also continued her volunteer work in the community.

In the late 1980s, while working as the staff director of the union, Lee was approached by the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley, to join their staff and work with laborers in a variety of areas, including farms, hotels, airlines, refineries, and nail salons. “It was very hard to leave the union,” she says of that decision, “but I saw it as an opportunity to use the 20 years of experience” from the community and join the Labor Occupational Health Program (2005).

In 1990, Lee received a call from Dana Alston, a prominent environmental justice activist. Lee recalls, “She came to Berkeley, and we had a life-changing moment over a cup of tea! She explained to me that she had heard about the work I had been doing, and she wanted to put it into context for me—and that’s when she explained to me the concept of environmental racism” (2005).

Lee began working with others in the environmental movement and attended the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit in 1991 in Washington, D.C. The Asians attending the summit caucused and pledged to bring messages from the meeting back to their communities, identify the environmental justice impacts in those communities, and organize community members.

The United Church of Christ had commissioned a report, Toxic Waste and Race, that focused on how minority and low-income communities are located close to toxic waste sites, “so we wanted to be able to understand it better,” Lee says (2005).

Lee was immediately drawn to the environmental justice framing. “The EJ framework can really raise the conscious(ness) of a community to really address root causes of environmental, sociological, and economic conditions, and because this framework brings in multi-issue perspectives and can bridge multi-racial, multi-ethnic communities. We felt there was real power that could be generated – political power – by bringing these perspectives as a framework and a mission” (2005).

In 1993, after a two-year dialogue and needs assessment information gathering, Lee helped to create the Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN). Lee’s role in APEN has been to provide programmatic guidance as a board member and Chair. In these roles, she is particularly interested in bringing attention to workers of color and unsafe conditions while building bridges with other environmental groups.

Lee stepped down as Chair of the Board of APEN in 2005 because of term limits. Lee participated in the Second National People of Color Environmental Leadership in 2002. She collaborated with scores of other people attending the Summit to draft the “Principles on Working Together.” The summit and the principles produced from it were one of Lee’s career highlights.

The lowest points of her career have been “the passing of wonderful women in the environmental justice movement: Jean Sindab, Dana Alston, Nilak Butler, Jeanne Guanna from SNEEJ, Patsy Ruth Oliver from Texas. [It is] all very, very sad – the loss of these women who were so young. It was not

natural to lose them so young” (2005).

Another career highlight for Lee was the successful organization of Culinary Workers Union 226 in Las Vegas, where she worked with hotel workers for a year. “The end result of that effort…was that they won the power to make their work safer, and through their work as women and as room attendants, they showed real leadership” (2005). At the strike vote, Lee said thousands of people turned out, and the vote passed with almost unanimous consent. “It was the voice of these women that prior to 2000 had no positions in union or leadership or power on the work floor, and it was a highlight to be a part of it” (2005).

Thinking about the future of unions in this country, Lee says, “Out of struggle, there will be progress, so let’s hope there will be progress instead of the opposite. [Do] something constructive rather than destructive” (2005). Lee was inducted into the Hall of Resistance at the Ancient Africa, Enslavement and Civil War Museum in Selma, Alabama.

Importance of Mentoring: 

Lee is careful to mention the people around her who have been her mentors and colleagues, some of whom she says may not even know that she observes them and learns from them. “Dana Alston: we were good friends until she passed away. She lived in San Francisco for the last few months, and we would drive and look at the Bay and the water. She continued to mentor me until the last few weeks before she died” (2005). Lee also names “Charles Lee, Baldemar Velasquez from Farm Labor Organizing Committee, Nilak Butler from Indigenous Environmental Network, Richard Moore from Southwest Network for Environmental Justice (SNEEJ), Anthony Thigpen at Action for Grassroots Economic and Neighborhood Development Alternatives, Peggy Saika from APEN” as mentors, “and—I know I am forgetting others! I call on them for help and advice,” she says (2005).

Mentoring Others: 

 While she was a board member of APEN, Lee tried not to limit herself to board meetings but to stay involved with the staff. Her mentoring style includes ensuring her mentees’ work experiences meet their needs. When she works with interns, she says, “I make sure they are doing what they want to do and try to make it happen, whether it’s learning about organizing and working in the community or to try testing out their ideas, I work with them from where they’re coming from and make sure they understand how to respect and engage with the community and understand [that they’re] engaged in two-way learning…. You have to make sure you’re not just talking over a table (all the time), but (make it fun and) float down a river and spend some time Together!” (2005).

Advice to Young Professionals: 

Lee enjoys being an optimist in a field that continually brings her face-to-face with social inequities. She says she sustains herself by “Making sure I do not stay behind my desk!” (2005). She continues with advice for others in her field: set aside time “…where you’re out there one-on-one engaged with people who want to learn. Stay connected” (2005). Lee shares something she continues to struggle with, “’Don’t let the grant or the money drive where your heart and soul needs to be.’ It’s much easier to say than to practice. It’s a constant, real tension,” but one in which she hopes to remain true to her values (2005).

To young minorities considering entering the environmental field, she says, “Make sure to combine the science with accountability…Find ways in which you can be held accountable to what you’re doing, to be able to test out what you’re doing and how it is contributing to [the] creat[ion of] more power for the community and information they can use and access so that it can be turned into action. Balance the need to fulfill professional criteria with empowering those who don’t have the same access” (2005). Lee’s work has improved countless people’s living and working conditions; she inspires many.


Just Transition Alliance. (2022). Board Member: Pam Tau Lee. Retrieved July 20, 2023 from https://jtalliance.org/profile/pam-tau-lee/.

Pam Tau Lee. KeyWiki. https://keywiki.org/Pam_Tau_Lee

Tau Lee, P. (1993). LRR Voices: Health & Safety for Unorganized, Immigrant Workers. https://ecommons.cornell.edu/bitstream/handle/1813/102611/Issue_20____Ar…

Taylor, Dorceta (Ed.). 2005. The Paths We Thread: Profiles of the Careers of Minority Environmental Professionals. Minority Environmental Leadership Development Initiative, University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment.

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