People of Color Environmental Professionals: Profiles of Courage and Leadership

People of Color Environmental Professionals:
Profiles of Courage and Leadership

A database created by JEDSI
At the school of the environment

Displaying 1 - 366 of 366
Displaying 121 - 144 of 366
Estrada, Torri
Executive Director and Policy Director
Carbon Cycle Institute
Fernandes, Beryl
Fernandes & Associates, Inc.
Former National Director, Policy Advocacy and Legal
Sierra Club
Agricultural Engineer
United States Department of Agriculture
Finney, Carolyn
Artist-in-Residence, Environmental Affairs
Middlebury College
Senior Scientist
Center for Biological Diversity
Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of South Carolina
Florant, Gregory L.
Professor Emeritus, Biology
Colorado State University
Department Head & Professor, Dept. Of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management
Fonseca, Gustavo
In Memoriam
Fonseca, Jorge
Research Leader
USDA- Agricultural Research Service (ARS) - Food Quality
Regenerative Democracy Research Scholar
University of Illinois Global Institute
Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Urban Law & Policy, Professor of Public Policy
Georgetown University
Fraser, Rory
Professor, Biological and Environmental Sciences (Retired)
Alabama A&M University
Once and Future Green
Gantt-Wright, Iantha
In Memoriam
Senior Bilingual Energy Analyst and Energy Justice Lead
Union of Concerned Scientists
Project Lead
Prospering Backyards
Senior Program Officer, Local, National, and International Environment
The New York Community Trust
Garip, Filiz
Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs
Princeton University
Gaylord, Clarice
Senior Executive (Retired)
US Environmental Protection Agency
Board of Directors Member & Board Chair
Groundswell Fund
Gibson, Deidre
Associate Professor & Chair in Marine & Environmental Science
Hampton University
Gin, June
Research Health Scientist
Veterans Emergency Management Evaluation Center

About the People of Color Environmental Professionals Database

Yale School of the Environment’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Sustainability Initiative (JEDSI) is honored to share the updated People of Color Environmental Professionals database. The database features profiles of courage and leadership from individuals in the United States who contribute to the environment, health, climate justice, and related fields. These profiles were written with source materials from interviews and surveys conducted by Dr. Dorceta Taylor’s staff, personal and academic websites, and other publicly available online information. This is the third iteration of the project.  

The first compilation was published by the Minority Environmental Leadership Development Initiative (MELDI) in 2005, and the second by Vision for a Sustainable Environmental Future (VSEF) at the University of Michigan in 2016. 

Additional research, writing, compilation, and amendments by: Dr. Dorceta E. Taylor, Meg Daupan, Katherine Allison, Claire Nichols, Lily Fillwalk, PwintPhyu Nandar, Te’Yah Wright, Dr. Haille Rae, Dr. Carla Dhillon, and Tabitha Sookdeo. 

Special thanks to Teona Williams, Maren Spolum, and Latonia Phillips for their work writing and building the previous versions of this project. 

Email with questions and comments.