People of Color Environmental Professionals: Profiles of Courage and Leadership

People of Color Environmental Professionals:
Profiles of Courage and Leadership

A database created by JEDSI
At the school of the environment

Displaying 1 - 366 of 366
Displaying 337 - 360 of 366
Silas, Pamala
Associate Director, Community Outreach and Engagement
Northwestern University - Center for Native American and Indigenous Research
Simmons, Shawn Emerson
Safety, Security, Health, and Environment (SSHE) Manager
Singh, Kartikeya
Director, Network Leadership
Growald Climate Fund
Small, Gail
Professor of Native American Studies
Montana State University
Spears, Alan
Senior Director for Cultural Resources
National Parks Conservation Association
Staley, Chitra
Managing Director
Beacon Pointe
Stanton, Robert
Former Director (Retired)
National Park Service
stepter, trellis
Senior Program Officer for Climate Change Solutions & Democratic Values
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Suarez, Carlos
State Conservationist (State Director); Senior Executive Service
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Suh, Rhea
President and Chief Executive Officer
Marine Community Foundation
Sullivan, Quita
Senior Program Director, Theater
New England Foundation for the Arts
Sze, Julie
Professor, American Studies
University of California, Davis
Takaki, Elena
Director, Professional Development and Conservation Education
Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
Tang, Shui-Yan
Duggan Professor in Public Administration
University of Southern California
Taruc, Mari Rose
Energy Director
California Environmental Justice Alliance
Tate, Eric
Princeton University
Professor of Environmental Justice
Yale School of the Environment
Taylor, Cedric
Associate Professor and Documentary Filmmaker
Central Michigan University
Tollerson, Ernest
South Street Seaport Museum
Tome, Whitney
Principal + Head of the Beyond Diversity Strategies Practice
The Raben Group
Rachel Carson Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Yale University
Venegas, Bertha
Tenoch Distribution LLC
Vongkhamdy, Phoukham
State Conservationist
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Washington, Sylvia Hood
CEO & Founder
One Drop Rule Health Foundation

About the People of Color Environmental Professionals Database

Yale School of the Environment’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Sustainability Initiative (JEDSI) is honored to share the updated People of Color Environmental Professionals database. The database features profiles of courage and leadership from individuals in the United States who contribute to the environment, health, climate justice, and related fields. These profiles were written with source materials from interviews and surveys conducted by Dr. Dorceta Taylor’s staff, personal and academic websites, and other publicly available online information. This is the third iteration of the project.  

The first compilation was published by the Minority Environmental Leadership Development Initiative (MELDI) in 2005, and the second by Vision for a Sustainable Environmental Future (VSEF) at the University of Michigan in 2016. 

Additional research, writing, compilation, and amendments by: Dr. Dorceta E. Taylor, Meg Daupan, Katherine Allison, Claire Nichols, Lily Fillwalk, PwintPhyu Nandar, Te’Yah Wright, Dr. Haille Rae, Dr. Carla Dhillon, and Tabitha Sookdeo. 

Special thanks to Teona Williams, Maren Spolum, and Latonia Phillips for their work writing and building the previous versions of this project. 

Email with questions and comments.